DSRPTV Talent in your company? This will deliver it …
Disruptive techniques are changing our society at lightning speed. They turn our world upside down!
We at iTanks believe in the future of disruptive techniques. In 2015 we started with DSRPTV Talents. This is an iTanks service with the aim of connecting young innovative talent to our partners. We do this through projects, brainstorms and networking events. This in cooperation with our partner De Droomstarters.
De Droomstarters offers relevant student jobs. In doing so they create a way for talent acquisition for companies, which entails intrinsic innovation. Students bring a fresh look and the latest trends, in addition to a lot of energy and an open-minded attitude.
But what does this actually mean?
In recent months, De Droomstarters have helped various companies in the iTanks network with the recruitment of young talent. But what do these placements of students in the iTanks network deliver? We asked Ruud van den Nouweland, co-owner of Verantio, to share this with us.
Verantio – 10 students – 19/22 years – Architecture and Civil Engineering
Ten independent and responsible students of Architecture / Civil Engineering are employed at this company. They identify and measure technical data from storage tanks. All available data from the archive and from various persons must also be requested, to be verified and processed in the database.
Win-Win for both student and company
” It is a win-win situation for the students and for us. In this way, students have a part-time job that is in the direction of where they want to go in the future and thus gain experience in technology and in business. Which is positive for their CV. What makes it so attractive to us? We experienced that it was difficult to find employees for project work, partly due to the amount of work and the required skill. These employees were difficult to find due to the shortage on the labor market. By working together with De Droomstarters, we were able to solve the capacity problem at an attractive rate. We now have ten flexible, enthusiastic, hard-working dream starters at work, where certainly a few will be added! ”
A number of functions of iTanks partners CMA CGM, VTG Beton and VolkerRail have already been successfully completed by students from De Droomstarters.
Read more about why student acceptance is a good idea in this blog.
Is talent scarcity also a challenge for you?
Contact Marcella Petrarca to discuss the possibilities.