Change & Tracking: Stay on top of field changes. Enable time and cost saving
De Challenge
Today’s shutdown & turnaround field is becoming increasingly digital. However, many companies still track progress and field changes in the old-fashioned way: they use paper forms, save the data in spreadsheets and standalone tools. While the field changes have a significant impact on turnaround cost and schedule, this old way of working no longer leads to positive project outcomes or smart business decision making.
De Solution
The Cleopatra Digital Change & Form Tracking solution replaces the paper form tracking procedure, and the manual field change and progress tracking. A mobile app works in conjunction with the solution allowing to fill in forms digitally via mobile devices. The fully digital solution brings speedy and effortless accuracy to the field change management process, reducing the level of effort, making analysis and reporting easier, and enabling better forecasting. It all starts with filling in the field change forms via mobile devices and sending them to the approval of authorized employees. All results are compiled for detailed analytics and shared as real-time reports in change and progress management dashboards.
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De Businesscase
Can you complete your turnarounds when multiple paper forms are still lying all around the office? 1000+ scope changes are not uncommon in large TAR’s, which is quite a lot to manage with spreadsheets, paper forms or standalone tools. Field changes have a huge impact on TA cost and schedule – from a small change like an extra valve overhaul to a very large one such as unexpected damage to a column. The best way to manage the field changes is to have a dedicated digital system that uses the technologies of today. By enabling digital field change, Cleopatra Form Tracking helps businesses increase the speed of the process and improve the predictability of field change orders. The powerful integration between Change & Form Tracking, Cost Management, and Cost Estimation allows for future benchmarking and more accurate forecasting, while continuously improving the complete project controls process.
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