Thickness measurements by UAV
De Challenge
Determination of wall thickness of assets at heights which are hard to reach, require removal of insulation material and relatively riskfull rope access teams
De Solution
The Voliro drone is capable to fly indoor and bring the thickness measurement sensor (either UT or EMAT) to the challenging locations, and press the sensor under each angle to the wall, taking a proper and reliable wall thickness measurement reading. Our proper trained pilots work together with several well recognized and level II certified NDT- engineers.
De Businesscase
Our solution adds value when used for insulated tanks. During the traditional scenario it takes a rope access team three days to prepare a tank, take the measurements and repair the damaged insulation again. In this case still not all areas are measured. Our solution give the opportunity to inspect 5 tanks in 1,5 day with two people, leaving the insulation intact and all areas are measured, increasing the reliability of the assessment of the condition of the asset. This give a saving of 13 days of three men and material (rough estima: E 20.000,-)
Global Drone Inspection
- David Knukkel
- Julianalaan 67a
2628 BC NL,
Delft - +31629022439
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