Degassing of tank container before inspection

De Challenge

Tank container need inspection on a regular base. Most of the hubs, where cleaning and inspection can be performed, are not proper equipped to handle pressurized gases in a safe manner. This means a high risk for everyone involved as pressurized gases are from higher risk.

De Solution

The ENDEGS own developed solution for mobile degassing can be used at every place. The solution is time and cost effective and can be placed in the dispatch hub close to the tank container. Besides of the mobile combustion unit for degassing the pressurized gas, ENDEGS is also experienced to deliver and operate the nitrogen service for a safe and reliable operation. The ENDEGS highly skilled operator controls the process.

De Businesscase

The added value delivered from ENDEGS is first of all a legal compliance operation for the industry and generates safe working procedures for everyone involved. Besides of safety the protection of the environment is another top priority.

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