
De Challenge

Energy is wasted all over the world in nearly every thermal energy systems. 20 billion EUR or 250 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent green-house gases could be saved only in Europe with optimal thermal energy storages.
Nowadays we generate the heating and cooling energy when we need it, instead of when it is the most efficient or the most economical.

De Solution

HeatVentors’ product HeatTank is the innovative thermalbattery, which saves energy, money and space. Compared to the traditional water storages HeatVentors use special biomaterials called Phase Change Materials (PCM). By changing the phase like melting and solidification we can store the heat in a more concentrated way. HeatTank is 90% smaller in space, saves energy between 20-50% with 3-5 years ROI.

De Businesscase

By generating the cooling energy when it is cheap and efficient we can save 20-50% energy, reduce CO2 emission and help our customers to achieve their sustainability goals. Also we can increase the operational safety and increase the lifetime of the cooling system.

We already sold systems in Hungary, Italy, Portugal and Indonesia for server cooling, office building and hotel building cooling and shopping mall cooling also for gas engine heat recovery and for district heating system. The average payback time is 3.5 years.


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