Transform emissions to energy
De Challenge
Emissions from tank farms, process plants, coating industries, printing: what is the optimal way to treat these? With energy prices on the rise, what is the most energy efficient process? Is there a way to use the energy contained in the off gas from your process?
De Solution
Combine emission compliance with energy production: The use of VOC-containing exhaust gases as a fuel for a microturbine CHP (combined heat/power) unit. Environmentally friendly treatment of emissions able to meet the most stringent emission limits, while combining this with local power generation.
Autonomous, decentralised energy production in the form of electricity and heat for the energy requirements of industrial plants. Even in case of discontinuous processes, the system can run on support fuel such as natural gas or hydrogen with an extreme efficiency.
De Businesscase
Use the energy contained in the emissions that normally would go to waste: generate electricity and heat from your off gas, reducing the energy cost of your plant. This innovative process is eligible for subsidies through government programmes making it even more attractive for the end user.
BM Process Management
- Bart Muijtjens
- Ambachtsweg 80
5272 RW NL,
Sint-Michielsgestel - 06-42173663
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